Every night the world ends.


So, I’m twenty-one. I have, at current count, seven piercings and eleven tattoos. I enjoy escapism in virtually all its forms. I play ten musical instruments. I write. I want to write for a living. Right now I’m a charity mercenary¹ and so I get to meet and talk to a lot of people. There is quite probably more wrong with my head than I actually realise or admit to². In the end, I’m idealistic and always believe in hope, if only for its own sake. A lot of my writing is about meaningless struggles with entities that barely register our existence and we can barely comprehend theirs³, and despite the characters in these stories often being doomed to failure from the very start that doesn’t run counter to my belief in hope, I don’t think. It’s about who you are in the dark, what you stand for and what you are willing to fight and die for⁴, so I can write this nihilistic horror and still believe in the strength of hope. Oh yeah, and I really like footnotes⁵.

¹ Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.
² And I admit to being manic depressive.
³ I’m also a fan of H. P. Lovecraft.
⁴ Metaphorically or literally.
⁵ I really do.⁶
⁶ I’m also a fan of Terry Pratchett.

One response

  1. Hello Kedge: I have read Wrong Distorted Warp, and Cosmic Arms Race, and About.

    Regarding hope, yes without hope we as humans have little else. In a world filled with political social and financial horrors, inspiration is key to uplifting the spirit.

    I agree, though I am not religious, that God is essential, and through prayer we may receive his blessings. That said, at times I curse God. Many times I believe that he either failed to hear or cared not to listen. Yes, and still, I return to Him.

    Kedge I too am a writer, of poetry and fiction. I am impressed by your storytelling. You too enjoy creative creatures and lots of action. I love winged creatures, especially Gargoyles. I will continue to read more of your stories.

    Also, You are a musician as well, and play ten instruments, Wow! In my youth I began in music. I am from a musical family, lived with it daily. Moving north to New York and its culture, changed me, and my music was lost. Still, from time to time, I pick up an instrument, Guitar these days, and play with a few notes.

    If you care to browse my blog(new and building) refer to: http://delbertdelbert.wordpress.com/about-me/.

    Be Well

    March 1, 2011 at 2:18 am

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