Every night the world ends.

Posts tagged “blogging

6 of 52

Some of my earlier posts¹ were originally numbered, as in “1 of 52”, “2 of 52”, etc, and following that numbering scheme this post would be “6 of 52.” The reasoning behind this was I wanted to keep up making sure I updated at least once every week for a whole year, as if I could achieve that I could hopefully progress onwards at the same rate. The reason these numbers have been removed is they made the post titles unwieldy, and the posts are still saved on my computer under those titles. The reason I used those numbers in the post titles here in the first place is thanks to my recent migration from Tumblr, a site I chose to cease using thanks to its views on linking blogs to other locations⁴, and I wanted it to be clear that I didn’t just post EVERYTHING on this site for the first time today. But then I realised it didn’t really matter, removed the numbering, and now this paragraph is going to seem rather superfluous but I’m keeping it here anyway.

That’s… about it for that topic. Basically, I am going to update at least once a week, and you don’t need post numbering to work that out. Besides, by the time the year’s out I expect there’ll be well over fifty two posts here.

Gosh… this was rather pointless, wasn’t it?

I’ll do better next time.


¹ Specifically “Possession, the Stupidity of Settling for Second Best and Weaponised Rape”, “Masks and Paint”, “What a Load of Bollocks”, “Poison” and “Get Your Sci-Fi On.”²

² I.e. all the non-fiction ones.³

³ Also the ones with footnotes.

⁴ Thereby popularising the site, which is apparently a bad thing. I’m happy to leave them be if that’s what they want, but I always hope that people read what I write. That’s why I started blogging in the first place. So I moved to WordPress. I quite like it here.