Every night the world ends.

Posts tagged “blog

Something that bothers me. A bit.

I’ve got quite a lot of views now.

Pushing 3,000, in fact.

But I’m not happy about that.

Why am I not happy about that? You’d think that I’d love to have my work getting seen like that, that’s the point of the blog, isn’t it?

Well, you see, WordPress is a very clever site. It tells me not just how many views I’ve got, but on which posts those views are coming from. And a simply colossal amount of views are coming from that one random post I did about jellyfish tattoos.

In case you didn’t know, I had had a few people finding my site via searching for jellyfish tattoos and I’d never actually mentioned the two together, so feeling helpful I made a post with lots of images of jellyfish tattoos and just jellyfish so the people finding my site that way would have something to look at.

I am sure somewhere in the region of 1,500 (at least) of those views are just on that post and its images.

That’s not what I really wanted to be seen, you know? I write all this stuff and sure maybe you think some of it’s bollocks but the point is that I put it here because I want people to see it. And now my way of gauging how many folks are seeing it is completely skewed because of people who just want to see some jellyfish tattoos. Which is all well and good I guess but I feel like my purpose is being sapped.

I’m not going to stop, though. I’ll keep doing what I wanted to do and maybe someone who finds this and is reading about tattoos will think “Oh, I can read some dark shit too” and read some of the rest of my blog. Just maybe.

Anyway, if you’ve read this post, odds are you’ve read some of the rest anyway, so thank you.


The Death & Rebirth of “Fiction”

Maybe this is just completely stupid, but it was bugging me that on the Categories bit on the right of my page there was this massive link for “Fiction” because there is so much of it on here. It bugged me because it seemed meaningless – I don’t think anyone’s going to want to just filter in all the fiction on here, if they want to read Deimon stuff they click Deimon, if they want to read Cedge Mythos stuff they click Cedge Mythos. I don’t think anybody would ever want all the fiction in one block, because then you’d be mixing settings and the whole thing would be confusing – and the point of the categories business is to avoid confusion. So I deleted the “Fiction” category, so now there’s the category for my non-fiction stuff (That’s Notations and Nihilism, if you didn’t notice, though as may have been implied by the “What This Is All For” post just because something is non-fiction doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up) and then a category for each setting I plan to actually publish more on here.

This meant that I needed a new category, because I’m damned if I’m gonna use the “Uncategorised” category (somewhat of a misnomer, I feel). So “One Shot Fiction” was born, for anything that doesn’t fall into an existing setting and is just “Oh hi, here’s some prose, bye.”

Maybe I should further subcategorise so if you’re just looking for whimsy you can filter out the jellyfish and sadism… nah, you can just take it as it comes.

Thanks for reading,


What This Is All For

I feel so sick.

Is this really about stories? Is it really all about just me getting my work into the minds of others, seeing what they think, telling stories? Because I don’t think it is anymore. When I made it, that’s what I thought it was for. That and stuff to do with what I thought about the world. I was told by a woman I respect to blog, that’s why I started, but reading her own blog back it’s made me think about what all this is really for.

It’s not stories. I mean, that’s certainly part of it, of course it is, that’s clearly why “Fiction” is the biggest category on here, and one of my settings is pretty much just about stories and what they are and what they represent… but the blog as a whole? Notations and Nihilism? It’s not about stories.

Love, then? Is it about love? A large portion of it seems to say so. Angsty love letters to my girlfriend in a public place, waxing lyrical about the nature of the beast and what it can do to you and how it should be treated. Explorations of what love can really be, and my own learning of things, like how you can fuck and make love at the same time. I figured you could do it with the same person, but that bit right there is new on me. Except it’s not about love either. It can’t be all about that, when mixed with so much despair.

Is it about that, perhaps? Despair? No, not that either. Even with all the stuff about raped corpses and ever-present monsters and the hopelessness of standing against darkness, the blog’s not about despair.

Fantasy, and dreams? Dreams are tagged all over the place. As is cosmic horror, but I guess that ties into despair. Surreality and the lush scape of beauty that can be found in your… ah. There it is. But it’s still not dreams.

Does it even have to be about only one thing? I don’t think so, but when I think about it, when I look at the blog of the woman I respect and I see the things that she talks about, I see what, at least I believe, hers is all about, and suddenly what this is all for clicks into place in my head.

In my head. Ha. How fucking apt, and I’m not even trying.

I want people to read my stories. Naturally. That’s what stories are for. I want to talk about love, I want to talk about despair, I want to talk about pain and hate and rage and passion and what souls do in the face of insurmountable odds. I want to talk about hope, when hope seems gone. And I guess that, right there, hope is what this is all about. But, more specifically:

This website, everything you see here, it’s about living with whatever’s in my head. It’s not always something I can deal with as well as I should, but it is always there. It’s incandescent and beautiful and terrifying and it stings but its marvellous and it is my guardian. It’s a thing of rage and desire and violence and madness, and I have to live with it every damn day, and if I can talk about it here, even if I don’t seem like I am, I am acknowledging its presence. I am nodding my head to the giant, belligerent, acrimonious jellyfish in my head and it is nodding back at me, recognising that it, too, has to live with me and together we can be formidable, though we may quarrel.

It’s my ally and my enemy, my closest friend and my darkest nemesis. I’ve learned to live with it, and thanks to this I can tell you about it, and maybe others with jellyfish in their heads they don’t understand will find what I write and learn to acknowledge theirs, too.

And that, true believers, is what Notations and Nihilism is all about. Cnidaria medusozoa in a human head, wrapping and stinging and loving.

So enjoy this dream, as I do. Because I don’t resent this jellyfish. And I hope you won’t resent me.

Now I can’t remember why I was feeling sick.

6 of 52

Some of my earlier posts¹ were originally numbered, as in “1 of 52”, “2 of 52”, etc, and following that numbering scheme this post would be “6 of 52.” The reasoning behind this was I wanted to keep up making sure I updated at least once every week for a whole year, as if I could achieve that I could hopefully progress onwards at the same rate. The reason these numbers have been removed is they made the post titles unwieldy, and the posts are still saved on my computer under those titles. The reason I used those numbers in the post titles here in the first place is thanks to my recent migration from Tumblr, a site I chose to cease using thanks to its views on linking blogs to other locations⁴, and I wanted it to be clear that I didn’t just post EVERYTHING on this site for the first time today. But then I realised it didn’t really matter, removed the numbering, and now this paragraph is going to seem rather superfluous but I’m keeping it here anyway.

That’s… about it for that topic. Basically, I am going to update at least once a week, and you don’t need post numbering to work that out. Besides, by the time the year’s out I expect there’ll be well over fifty two posts here.

Gosh… this was rather pointless, wasn’t it?

I’ll do better next time.


¹ Specifically “Possession, the Stupidity of Settling for Second Best and Weaponised Rape”, “Masks and Paint”, “What a Load of Bollocks”, “Poison” and “Get Your Sci-Fi On.”²

² I.e. all the non-fiction ones.³

³ Also the ones with footnotes.

⁴ Thereby popularising the site, which is apparently a bad thing. I’m happy to leave them be if that’s what they want, but I always hope that people read what I write. That’s why I started blogging in the first place. So I moved to WordPress. I quite like it here.

Possession, the Stupidity of Settling for Second Best and Weaponised Rape

It’s been a while. Quite a long while, actually. But new years call for new things, and one of these new things is my decision to actually go through with what I plan. It’s no secret that I am somewhat… lax in finishing what I start. No, that’s a lie. I’m a magpie that keeps finding new things to want to do, and as such things I loved at the time fall by the wayside. That’s why I’m depicted as a rainbow in the webcomic on Second Sphere¹ – you’ll never find the end of the rainbow. You’ll never see the end of my stories, though they may be beautiful in their time.

So I figured it was a good idea to change that. Reading back through things I’ve not finished I considered how I would have felt had I been the reader, and not the writer. And I realised that I was betraying people who looked up to me. And that’s bullshit. So no more.

So, back to blogging I go. The three ideas of the title break this article into three sections. The final one won’t be pretty.

Fair warning.


In the early days of December, my relationship with Kate finally laughed its last and she began moving out. She’s not quite done. She still has to collect the fridge, and presumably she wants her George Foreman Grill – she was pretty keen to get it back from her ex when we moved in together. That doesn’t bother me, because, for reasons that shall become clear in the second section, I just want her out of my life and I’m willing to cut back on anything I have to in order to make that happen.

Plus the grill is, you know, hers.

But I also owe her quite a lot of money. Well, I owed her quite a lot of money. Now I just owe her quite a bit of money. There’s a difference between a lot and a bit, and I’m not sure whether that difference is actually quantifiable, but in this case the relevant quantity is the tune of about £1500. In order to get this cash ² I pulled a favour from my Dad ³ and that dealt with the majority of the remainder, but I still had a bit to go. I’m not going to my Dad again, so this means I need to sell things. And… I’ve kinda grown attached to the valuable things I’ve accumulated over the years. But with a heavy heart I decided “fuck it” and put up every single one of my guitars for sale on Facebook (I didn’t want to have to sell all of them, so I figured that was safer than eBay), because no matter how much I love my guitars getting her gone is more important than all of them and everything they represent to me. Someone’s interested in one, so that’s good. I sold my Wii and my DS at CEX (I may do a post about that at some point in the future) and put the cash straight into her bank account.

That was last weekend. I’ve been thinking more as time’s gone on since then and I’ve realised that, of all these things that I have, there’s so many of them that don’t get used. I have far more guitars than I need. Far more DVDs than I ever actually watch⁴. Games I don’t play. Clothes I don’t wear. So I concluded that they had to go. Even the things I’ll get little or no money for, because that’s not so much the point anymore. The point is waste, the point is clutter, the point is hoarding stuff for virtually no purpose.

When am I ever going to watch Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason again?⁵

I think we all have more things than we need or use. I think we always have. I’m not entirely certain of the point. When I was a kid, my friends usually had dozens of VHS tapes. Dozens. I’m not sure I even had ten⁶. This didn’t occur to me when I was small, at the time if I thought about it at all I’d just have considered it in terms of having less (which is ludicrous but anyway). The point is that I am sure that these kids (and their parents, as it wasn’t all Disney and nonsense) barely ever watched what they had. So what was the point of owning it? So many of my friends have simply colossal DVD libraries. Seriously, when was the last time you even watched a classic like Fight Club or Pulp Fiction or The Matrix? I bet the vast majority of you own them. What are they doing? Just sitting on your shelf? Gathering dust, waiting their turn ‘til you remember you own them and give them a watch, turning off halfway through to do something more enjoyable?

Is this particular quirk not the pure reason rental shops exist?

I’m not digging at people who own lots of DVDs. I’m not even getting rid of literally all of mine. I’m keeping Fight Club and I’m keeping Pulp Fiction⁷ because I do love those movies. I may want to watch them again, and the insurance is good to have. But I don’t love Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. It’s just taking up a space on my shelf, making everyone think I’m gay.⁸ So it can go. Along with Braveheart, Sweeney Todd and the Jurassic Park trilogy⁹.

Joining these DVDs will be guitars and Warhammer (that one’s got to be a subject for another post, this one’s bloated enough as it is). Clothes I barely wear (unless they’re just madly situational) will be going to the charity shop.

I don’t know if this has prompted anyone to realise that they own many things they don’t need, but I’d like to think it might.

The Stupidity of Settling for Second Best

Back to the breakup. Or rather, the relationship that precipitated it. I’ve not really talked about it openly before, but it’s had a profound impact on the way I act with everybody recently and I feel I should at least offer some thoughts on the subject. I’m not going to bitch about Kate. I’m not going to do that because it’s uncalled for, it’s unnecessary and sadly it’s not really true, despite how I may have made it seem to her at the time. It was my fault I felt the way I did¹° and she knew it. So I’m going, instead, to do what I do best.

I’m going to talk about me.

The piece of advice I shall impart to all gentlemen and boys (and ladies and girls, as it totally works both ways) is as follows:

When you know what you have is second best, do not allow things to become serious. Fling all you want, but don’t let it become any more.

I expect people are now going to think that I’m going to start talking about Kate’s sister, Lucie, as it’s not uncommon knowledge that I was interested in her first. I’m not going to talk about Lucie, because Kate’s not second best to Lucie in any way, I feel¹¹.

Instead, I’m going to talk about the girlfriend I had before Kate, Lauren Eve. Or Evee, as I called her.¹² When I met her it was like lightning. I knew I’d found something special, instantly. I didn’t have that with Kate, but I continued on anyway in my foolishness, figuring that Evee was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and nothing would be anything like the same. I could accept that. I could settle for average happiness, not perfection (or what I believed was it at the time).

It took lightning striking again, after the breakup, to realise how fucking stupid this was of me. How much of an idiot I’d been, hurting someone who did not deserve it, when I try not to hurt anyone at all.

Bottom line is, don’t settle for second best. You all had probably worked that out already, but if you hadn’t, here it is, I’m telling you. Have fun if that’s what strikes you, that doesn’t need to be perfect, but by Jingo¹³ if you’re considering moving in together stop right there and realise what it is you’re doing, because it’s likely that you’re going to seriously hurt someone further down the line. After the first lightning strike fizzles out if feels like you won’t get one again. But trust me, it can happen again.

Don’t settle.


I’m going to let you guys have the footnotes now. Because if you don’t want to read the next section, you shouldn’t have to just to get to my anecdotes.

¹ Not because I’m gay. I’m not gay.

² Which, naturally, I didn’t have to hand.

³ I’m happy having an umbilical to him in the form of paying him back over time, I just want Kate gone.

⁴ Kate always had so many DVDs. That never made sense to me. One watch, then done. Massive waste, even to me.

⁵ To be fair, I’ve no idea why I bought that one in the first place.

⁶ This is “official” ones, not ones that are blank for recording purposes.

⁷ I don’t own The Matrix, for the reasons implied. I didn’t think I’d watch it that much.

⁸ I’m still not gay.

Star Wars stays.

¹° I.e. As if she was being a bitch.

¹¹ Sorry Lucie, in the extremely unlikely event of you reading this, I only mean that Kate was better for me in a relationship than you would have been.

¹² I’d already had a thing with a Lauren before. Didn’t feel right, and apparently she preferred it. That hasn’t stopped me dating two Kates, though.

¹³ I started saying this yesterday. I think I’ll continue.

Weaponised Rape

Okay, here’s the heavy, awareness-raising stuff. I’m a fundraiser. This means it’s my job to approach people in the street and make them realise the shit that’s going on in the world, and then give them the opportunity to do something about it. At the moment we’re working on behalf of the Red Cross, something I’ve done before, and these guys are, as everyone knows, somewhat of the Big Daddies in terms of disaster relief, warzone medicine and healthcare. But going over some of the information we’ve been given again, and looking deeper, I’ve learned some things that I’m appalled I didn’t know before. So, on the raising awareness side, I’m going to tell you guys.

Darfur’s a region in the Sudan. It’s wracked by civil war, and while there’s been unrest for decades the whole thing powder kegged in 2003. We don’t see it on the news, because the media doesn’t think it’s important. We already have a contract for oil in that region, so we don’t need to go in there and do anything. We don’t even need to report. We definitely don’t need to see.

And it’s difficult to see. It’s stuff that most folks don’t really want to know, but they know they should.

It’s more dangerous to be a woman in Darfur than it is to be a soldier.

The place is a warzone, so think about that.

The reason for this is the governmental forces have been trained and instructed to use rape as a weapon against the women of the peoples they don’t like in the area. If they’re not virgins, they can’t get married, and can’t perpetuate their society. Maybe that’s a backwards ideal in the first place, but that’s not the worst of it by a long way. We’re not talking one-on-one here. We’re talking about twenty soldiers. One woman. Over and over again, one after the other. These women suffer horrific physical damage from the assault as well as the emotional damage you usually expect from this particular violation. AIDS spreads, and there are pregnancies, too, breeding out the folks the government doesn’t like, causing the women to be ostracised from their communities for carrying a child not of their own.

You know how we have children’s hospitals? Or dental hospitals?

Out there they have rape hospitals. Full hospitals, just of rape victims. Rows of beds of these women. Go to one of these hospitals with a broken leg? They won’t help you. That’s not what they do. They barely have the resources to help the people they are established for.

There are very few places in this region where a woman knows she is safe, but one kind of place is a Red Cross camp. The Red Cross works in the largest refugee camp in the world in Darfur, called Gereida, which has a population just shy of that of Huddersfield. Oxfam aren’t there anymore, they pulled out because it was too dangerous.

This is just one of the reasons why I’m proud to do what I do. Supporting, and encouraging others to support, organisations dedicated solely to helping others and fighting atrocities in the darkest parts of the world.

Why have I told you this? Because if you don’t know something, you won’t do anything about it.

Thanks for reading, guys. Apologies for the mood whiplash.

Final Statement

As I said in the introductory bit, I’m returning to blogging and carrying it through. I’ll update every Friday, or more often if I get something I really want to get out there, but never more than a week will pass between updates. So watch this space, and I’ll try to make the next one more frivolous!
