Every night the world ends.

Posts tagged “women

What A Load Of Bollocks

Saw a Like page on Facebook just now. This was it:

Women have the most difficult lives; We have to:
Shave our underarms.
Shave our legs.
Wax our privates.
worry about facial hair.
Shape our eyebrows.
Stress over our hair length.
Spend hours straightening or curling our hair.
Have to take time to put on make-up.
Constantly worry about our figure.
Suffer the first time we make love.
Bleed once a month for a week.
Give our all to prove we’re just as capable as men.
Carry a baby in us for 9 months.
Give birth.
Spend outrageous amounts of money on ‘fashionable’ clothes.
Freak out over how attractive we are.
Deal with sexist comments.

Sorry boys, but don’t say SHIT about how being a male is so hard, you don’t have to deal with half of those things.

What absolute bollocks. I mean… I don’t even know where to BEGIN about this. Only one of those is truly compulsory, two if you consider losing one’s virginity compulsory… The rest is just so much bullshit. If you really want to be taken seriously, stop fucking bitching.

I’m gonna go through each one in turn, and say something about it.

1. I understand this is most awkward. But is it really that hard?

2. Seems simpler than shaving one’s face.

3. Or just clipper cut them tidy. Men don’t give a shit whether it’s completely smooth or not, just so long as it’s not a fucking hedge down there.

4. Er… okay.

5. Do you HAVE to? Or will simply dealing with a monobrow should the issue arise do? I submit that it will. You don’t need to fucking SHAPE. Tidy if you feel it’s a problem.

6. You STRESS about this? I can’t even…

7. Oh shut up.

8. Grow up.

9. Get some fucking self esteem.

10. Conceded. Sorry.

11. Conceded.

12. Don’t judge yourself by the standards of others. That advice goes for the boys too, folks!

13. Conceded, should you choose.

14. As above.

15. OH FUCK OFF! This is the worst by far. There is no excusing this. Ugh.

16. See number 9.

17. Fight back, you morons.

Ugh. I… ugh.