Every night the world ends.

Posts tagged “sadism


Hold her down by the wrist. Fuck her hard.

Don’t let her get up, don’t let her break

Free. Stub a cigarette out on her breast and

Twist, and as she screams she loves you in your

Ear dig your nails into her neck and kiss her

Like she’s never been kissed before. It’s lush and

Verdant, this pain and pleasure blossom that billows

Like blood in cold water, it’s pure, fertile and primal.

Why buy into what you’ve been told about love?

Life’s not a movie or a novel, and as far as this goes

The two of you need to find what works on your own.

When you rake your nails down her thighs and blood

Weeps out and stains your sheets, anyone you may

Care to tell may care to judge. Except this works

For you. She likes it. You like it. It’s a meeting of

Bodies and passions and emotionally you are conjoined.

So when you make her burn or make her bleed,

Remember she likes it and loves you, and no one

Else can come close to touching you like this.